Last Known Eruption
32y 114d 3h 14m ago

Latest Eruptions

Eruption DurationInterval
18 Mar 1992 @ 1200 A33d 0m
14 Feb 1992 @ 1200 A183d 1h 7m
15 Aug 1991 @ 115330s

Interval Statistics

Interval Count2
Min33d 0m
Max183d 1h 7m
Mean108d 33m
Median108d 33m

Latest Notes

Note IDStart Time (US/Mountain)End Time (US/Mountain)EntrantNote
34820 01 Jun 2024 @ 1411 --- Janet Jones Black Pool is a clear bright blue. On May 10 I made a note that it was Blue-green, leaning more toward blue than green. Today all notion of green was gone.
26936 08 Jul 2023 @ 1641 --- nails Clear and blue
26547 20 Jun 2023 @ 1958 --- Craigmon99 In overflow and brilliant blue. Amount of overflow seems to change based on runoff channels.
23132 10 Aug 2022 @ 1159 --- Janet Jones Really a lovely sapphire green color. Overflowing with some channels partially dry as was often seen when normally overflowing before - part of what I’m guessing is a cyclical bit of extra overflow.
22914 28 Jul 2022 @ 1059 --- rbwhitaker Overflowing from three spots: a trickle from two spots on the south end and a bit more than that from one spot on the north end. Dry patches in one of the small south runoff channels may indicate rising and falling of the pool over time, but in the ten minutes I was here, I did not observe any visible changes in the amount of overflow or the pool water level.
22671 18 Jul 2022 @ 1320 --- steve Black Pool is back in overflow. Just a trickle, but it’s there.
21690 03 Jun 2022 @ 1214 --- ge down 1-2 ft below crest
21263 13 May 2022 @ 1500 --- Tara Pale blue water, level down 2-2.5 feet, no runoff or bacteria in channel.
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