Note 37716

Date/Time From:2024-10-24 @ 1156
Date/Time To:2024-10-24 @ 1514
Time Entered:2024-10-24 11:59:23
Time Updated:2024-10-24 15:17:05
Time Uploaded:2024-10-24 17:18:00
Submitted to:GeyserTimes for Android
Note:1156 Bubbling and overflowing on arrival. 1200 Push. {{1202}} Eruption, 1 burst. 1221 First bubbling since eruption. 1223 Overflow reestablished. 1311 Push. {{1312}} Eruption, 1 burst. 1333 Overflow and bubbling reestablished. 1409 Push and fail. 1417 Overflow stopped. 1428 Overflow reestablished. 1429 First bubbling since push. 1513 Push. {{1514}} Eruption, 1 burst.

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