Note 36318

Geyser:Three Sisters
Date/Time:2024-08-07 @ 1723
Time Entered:2024-08-07 17:24:50
Time Uploaded:2024-08-07 17:24:52
Submitted to:GeyserTimes for Android
Note:As visible from the wc, water is basically out of site. Does anyone know anything about this behavior?

To me, the water level has held at approximately the same height for several months (below overflow). However, a different time of day (even depending on sunlight) leads to a different perception of said level.
Entrant: JarnoO
Time Entered:2024-08-07 17:31:21
Time Uploaded:2024-08-07 17:31:21
water has dropped since I was here a month ago, I took photo of it yesterday
Entrant: CraigC
Time Entered:2024-08-07 18:19:18
Time Uploaded:2024-08-07 18:19:19
Submitted to:GeyserTimes for Android
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