Note 35991

Geyser:Lone Pine
Date/Time From:2024-07-19 @ 0330
Date/Time To:2024-07-19 @ 1600
Time Entered:2024-07-19 15:36:23
Time Updated:2024-08-05 16:17:35
Time Uploaded:2024-08-05 16:17:35
Submitted to:GeyserTimes for iOS
Note:Crater was full and overflowing when I arrived. Crater is still full and overflowing when I left at 1600. I am 99% certain Lone Pine has not had a major eruption since 0802 on 7/15, putting the major to major interval at 104 hours and increasing. Observations in June showed that 12 hours after a major eruption the crater still had not yet refilled, let alone had time to overflow and have bubbles breaking the surface sending ripples across the pool. Since observation of this interval started at the 69 hour mark, Lone Pine was not left unattended for more than 12 hours. If a major eruption happened before 0510 7/18 when I started watching Lone Pine for this interval, the major would have had to have happened before 1710 on 7/17, a major to major interval of only 57 hours.

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