Note 35907

Geyser:Beehive's Close to Cone Indicator
Date/Time From:2024-07-15 @ 0941
Date/Time To:2024-07-15 @ 1324
Observer:Brian Gorman
Time Entered:2024-07-15 09:41:01
Time Updated:2024-07-15 15:38:03
Time Uploaded:2024-07-15 15:38:03
Submitted to:GeyserLog (iOS)
Note:CCI was all over the place for this period, cycling from strong to weak and back seceral times, seeming somewhat synced with BH's normal energy flucuations. Things got a little better in the hour before Indy. CCI really started hammering, and even thru the course of 2 moderate rain showers it mostly remained strong, which was helpful in maintaing morale if nothing else.

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