Note 35687

Date/Time:2024-07-02 @ 1905
Time Entered:2024-07-02 19:14:48
Time Updated:2024-07-02 19:15:51
Time Uploaded:2024-07-02 19:15:52
Note:(wc) I've been looking at it for the last 10 minutes or so, and the only hint at periodicity is that the splashing (originating from the vent at the eastern edge of the pool) gets lower and slightly more spaced apart for a couple of seconds every 10-20 seconds. Otherwise it's in constant state of agitation. Not sure if this is "old news" (it certainly was new to me), but I looked at my captures from yesterday (which never zoomed in on Improbable, unlike with this observation) and it didn't seem to be the case then. Additionally, it appears a new runoff channel has developed in the past couple of weeks/months (maybe too long of a timeframe?), judging by the dark geyserite, which starts east of the active vent and heads immediately SSW to the "bench" on which the bacterial mat has been relocated to.

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