Note 35552

Geyser:Bronze Spring
Date/Time From:2024-06-25 @ 1244
Date/Time To:2024-06-25 @ 1557
Time Entered:2024-06-25 12:45:07
Time Updated:2024-06-25 15:57:13
Time Uploaded:2024-06-25 15:57:14
Submitted to:GeyserTimes for iOS
Note:Boiling a few inches from central vent. Other more gentle boils surrounding. Pool level just at inner tube before white beach: will sit here for awhile just in case. Pool is murky but seems clearer. Turning more blue 1304 pool is pulsing up and down about 1cm 1310 pool at highest I’ve seen this sit. Beginning to lap up onto the white beach. Boiling is now looking like upwelling 1329 Pool is definitely becoming more blue 1353: new maximum. Pool level pulsing up and down about 1-2cm

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