Note 35065

Date/Time From:2024-06-10 @ 0906
Date/Time To:2024-06-10 @ 1212
Time Entered:2024-06-10 09:07:52
Time Updated:2024-06-10 15:43:35
Time Uploaded:2024-06-10 15:43:35
Submitted to:GeyserTimes for Android
Note:Overflowing and bubbling on arrival. Black streamers are growing below Little Whirligig that were not there last year. Runoff is entering the pool from two different spots, and the center of the pool frequently convects. Water color and clarity is similar to Whirligig, murky teal. No bubbling or change in overflow during my sit after the arrival bubbles. "Constant is not very constant" quote tally is 4.

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