Note 34889

Date/Time:2024-06-04 @ 1310
Time Entered:2024-06-04 17:34:57
Time Updated:2024-06-04 18:03:19
Time Uploaded:2024-06-04 18:03:22
Submitted to:GeyserTimes for Android
Note:Not sure if it means anything but arrived too Bijou off 1310, water in feather 1314, boiling in posthole 1317, small left jetting in mastoff 1323, posthole calming down 1328, steam in SW vent 1335 and posthole boiling again, rust and emerald with water 1340, bijou back on weak 1343, then off again 1348. More boiling in posthole, some in slit. Left for arty 1350. Bijou was recovering from marathon

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Time Entered:2024-06-04 18:01:32
Time Uploaded:2024-06-04 18:01:33
Submitted to:GeyserTimes for Android
Time Entered:2024-06-04 18:09:08
Time Uploaded:2024-06-04 18:09:19
Submitted to:GeyserTimes for Android
Time Entered:2024-06-05 06:45:12
Time Uploaded:2024-06-05 06:45:12
Submitted to:GeyserTimes for iOS
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