Note 34595

Date/Time:2024-05-17 @ 1035
Time Entered:2024-05-17 10:54:25
Time Updated:2024-05-17 12:01:04
Time Uploaded:2024-05-17 15:09:10
Submitted to:GeyserTimes for Android
Note:Clepsydra on strong since at least 1020. CSV down, Spasm empty and damp, Jelly murky and and just below overflow with damp runoff channel. Jet grumbling, standing water low in SFP. Twig dry, Peanot ~1.5' down and bubbling, 1050 starting to drop. Water level high in Fountain, a few inches below oval, 1055 no change. Stall interval. Steady, gusty wind from the SSW.

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