Note: | [Approx inferred time based on Rubble Geyser entries = MAY 5/8/1972 = 1972 R.A. Hutchinson handwritten pages found in former Geo Box 72] -
Minute Geyser plays 1.5-2.5 feet occasionally 4’ =
Palpitator Spring
- accessable [sic] depth 30 inches
- pool diameter 9.5-10 feet
-Irregular shaped vent in center:
A. crack 7 inches long – up to 1 inch wide
B. irregular hole 16” long & up to 10” wide with 2 sides delineated by joints; in the base there are 3 holes of varying sizes.
- Palpitator is like a miniature Grand Prismatic Spring w/water draining away from pool in many directions & with colorful algae around it.
With the drop at Palpitator there has been a corresponding filling of a small old spring or depression 40 feet to the SE of it by the trail. {moonlight? mab} |