Note 30661

Date/Time:1990-09-01 @ 1200
Observer:1990 Norris log
Time Entered:2023-11-20 12:39:16
Time Uploaded:2023-11-20 12:39:16
Note:9/1 - no time noted - The annual disturbance has begun with the following changes noted today: 3 heavy boils at Emerald – slightly murky, -- “Big Pool” just before Echinus on right hand side of trail (where the fringed gentians always bloom) has constant audible steam explosions. {see map with star incl in annual report} Echinus having minors - In runoff from Echinus, where it moves away from the trail, there is a boiling spring flowing into the reek that neither S nor S had seen prior to today. ‘ [NOTE to anyone seriously studying Norris - missed some pages around 21st, 27th and Sept 1 mab}

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