Geyser: | The Dwarfs |
Date/Time: | 2021-10-20 @ 1630 |
Entrant: | JarnoO |
Observer: | |
Time Entered: | 2021-10-20 16:33:31 |
Time Updated: | 2021-10-20 16:34:51 |
Time Uploaded: | 2021-10-20 16:34:52 |
Submitted to: | |
Note: | (wc) Since the previous note it appears North-West-B (NW-B) has taken over almost completely, with little activity from the others. Eruptive activity as in previous note. There was one day on which three Dwarfs (NW, NW-B and another one northeast of NW-B, which I'll refer to as NW-C; NW-C is *not* North Dwarf) were active, all likely on one line and all either erupting (for NW and NW-C heavily steaming with possibly water and for NW-B definitely with water) or not. This was also the one day where I thought NW-B looked weaker than usual. West D has declined further, seems to currently be only a steamy vent at times if you're lucky. |