Note 11976

Date/Time From:2019-06-26 @ 1100
Date/Time To:2019-06-26 @ 1311
Time Entered:2019-06-26 17:45:41
Time Updated:2019-06-26 17:46:19
Time Uploaded:2019-06-26 19:16:17
Submitted to:GeyserTimes for iOS
Note:At the beginning of the first hour, Steamboat was having very long quiet periods at times between minors. At other times they were spaced more normally apart. South Vent was dominate, with some jetting (vertical) & lightly audible runoff. Minors were 78% concerted. After that, activity picked up a bit and the quiet periods became shorter. North Vent began to improve and South Vent continued to have nice jetting.

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