Last Known Eruption
1y 283d 8h 33m ago

Interval Statistics

Interval Count19
Max3y 348d 1h 14m
Mean154d 8h 35m

Latest Notes

Note IDStart Time (US/Mountain)End Time (US/Mountain)EntrantNote
35128 11 Jun 2024 @ 1053 --- CrisG perpetual at this time from 2 vents on the berm above rhe J shaped pool.
24104 25 Sep 2022 @ 1630 25 Sep 2022 @ 1711 CrisG perpetual during this time 2-4 feet. main area of eruption has moved from the edge of the berm down towards the bottom of the J shaped pool. At 1704, eruption subsided to a low boil of about six inches before stopping for about 30 seconds. At 1705, eruptions restarted at 1-2 ft before building again to 2-4 ft. At 1707, the vents by the berm started in and both vents were erupting to 1-2ft. Fun to watch
13056 05 Aug 2019 @ 1459 --- JSJ Young Hopeful Geyser, sensu Gryc (2016). Basin water-filled. Low to moderately low splashing (perpetual) from two sites. Overflow running into J-shaped pool. [Reference cited: Gryc, S. 2016 (dated 2015). Firehole Lake geyser delights (but which geyser is it?). Geyser Gazer Sput 29(6): 5-8.]
11802 14 Jun 2019 @ 1332 --- JSJ Young Hopeful Geyser, sensu Gryc (2016). Basin water-filled. Low to moderately low splashing (perpetual). Overflow running into J-shaped pool & into the weathered siliceous sinter flats to the southwest and northwest. [Reference cited: Gryc, S. 2016 (dated 2015). Firehole Lake geyser delights (but which geyser is it?). Geyser Gazer Sput 29(6): 5-8.]
11623 07 Jun 2019 @ 1242 --- CrisG continuous play from 4 vents in the complex. Upper 2 vents on the platform surging to approx 8-10'.
9421 02 Aug 2018 @ 1850 --- JSJ A vent in the Young Hopeful Geyser complex (sensu Gryc, 2016) is cycling between a low, still pool to a full pool with splashing, with some overflow into the J-shaped pool. Vent is at: 44° 32' 38.41" North latitude, 110° 47' 04.30" West longitude.
8621 10 Jun 2018 @ 1632 --- JSJ A vent in the Young Hopeful Geyser complex (sensu Gryc, 2016) was engaged in very low to low splashing at 1632. Vent is at: 44° 32' 38.41" North latitude, 110° 47' 04.30" West longitude. [Reference cited: Gryc, S. 2016 (dated 2015). Firehole Lake geyser delights (but which geyser is it?). Geyser Gazer Sput 29(6): 5-8.]
2018 04 Aug 2015 @ 1702 --- RyanMaurer pool erupting to 5ft
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