Last Known Eruption
3h 0m ago

Latest Eruptions

Eruption DurationInterval
28 Sep 2024 @ 1317 wc3d 7m
25 Sep 2024 @ 131024m
25 Sep 2024 @ 124622m
25 Sep 2024 @ 12242m
25 Sep 2024 @ 122212d 23h 58m
12 Sep 2024 @ 1224 ns23m
12 Sep 2024 @ 12011-2m25m
12 Sep 2024 @ 1136~3m 1d 1h 6m
11 Sep 2024 @ 1030 wc3d 0m
08 Sep 2024 @ 1030 ie5d 23h 37m
02 Sep 2024 @ 105323m
02 Sep 2024 @ 103023m
02 Sep 2024 @ 100720m
02 Sep 2024 @ 09472d 14h 36m
30 Aug 2024 @ 191122m
30 Aug 2024 @ 184926m
30 Aug 2024 @ 182324m
30 Aug 2024 @ 17592d 7h 27m
28 Aug 2024 @ 103241m
28 Aug 2024 @ 09512d 22h 29m
25 Aug 2024 @ 11227d 17h 54m
17 Aug 2024 @ 17283h 24m
17 Aug 2024 @ 1404 ns wc>3m 18d 6h 18m
30 Jul 2024 @ 0746 wc3m
30 Jul 2024 @ 0743 wc12d 34m
18 Jul 2024 @ 0709 wc1d 21h 14m
16 Jul 2024 @ 0955 wc31d 22h 0m
14 Jun 2024 @ 1155 wc1d 17h 57m
12 Jun 2024 @ 175840m
12 Jun 2024 @ 171810h 55m
12 Jun 2024 @ 0623 ie wc4d 14h 21m
07 Jun 2024 @ 16021d 7h 33m
06 Jun 2024 @ 0829 wc19h 15m
05 Jun 2024 @ 131420h 13m
04 Jun 2024 @ 17012d 19m
02 Jun 2024 @ 16421-2m23m
02 Jun 2024 @ 16191-2m22m
02 Jun 2024 @ 155725m
02 Jun 2024 @ 15321-2m5h 19m
02 Jun 2024 @ 1013 wc21h 22m
01 Jun 2024 @ 1251 wc1d 3h 13m
31 May 2024 @ 0938 wc46m
31 May 2024 @ 0852 wc6d 17h 15m
24 May 2024 @ 153710d 7h 58m
14 May 2024 @ 0739 wc2d 21h 50m
11 May 2024 @ 0949 ie wc3d 18h 24m
07 May 2024 @ 1525 wc11d 22h 15m
25 Apr 2024 @ 17102d 6h 52m
23 Apr 2024 @ 1018 ie wc1h 18m
23 Apr 2024 @ 0900 ie wc2d 23h 41m
20 Apr 2024 @ 0919 ie wc5d 1h 4m
15 Apr 2024 @ 0815 ie wc1d 23h 27m
13 Apr 2024 @ 0848 ie wc52m
13 Apr 2024 @ 0756 ie wc10d 19h 6m
02 Apr 2024 @ 1250 ie wc105d 12m
19 Dec 2023 @ 1138 ie wc2h 32m
19 Dec 2023 @ 0906 ie wc12d 18h 43m
06 Dec 2023 @ 1423 ie wc1d 5h 4m
05 Dec 2023 @ 0919 ie wc5d 21h 17m
29 Nov 2023 @ 1202 wc22h 14m
28 Nov 2023 @ 1348 ie wc11m
28 Nov 2023 @ 1337 ie wc26m
28 Nov 2023 @ 1311 wc1h 47m
28 Nov 2023 @ 1124 ie wc1d 2h 22m
27 Nov 2023 @ 0902 ie wc2d 1h 37m
25 Nov 2023 @ 0725 ie wc1d 23h 17m
23 Nov 2023 @ 0808 ie wc22h 14m
22 Nov 2023 @ 0954 ie wc14m
22 Nov 2023 @ 0940 ie wc38m
22 Nov 2023 @ 0902 ie wc30m
22 Nov 2023 @ 0832 ie wc22h 30m
21 Nov 2023 @ 1002 ie wc3d 2h 16m
18 Nov 2023 @ 0746 ie wc11m
18 Nov 2023 @ 0735 ie wc17d 20h 49m
31 Oct 2023 @ 1146 ie wc10d 21h 48m
20 Oct 2023 @ 13584h 32m
20 Oct 2023 @ 09264d 22h 57m
15 Oct 2023 @ 102921h 48m
14 Oct 2023 @ 12414d 23h 7m
09 Oct 2023 @ 1334 ie wc2d 3h 59m
07 Oct 2023 @ 0935 ie7d 17h 10m
29 Sep 2023 @ 16251d 5h 57m
28 Sep 2023 @ 102825m
28 Sep 2023 @ 100322h 44m
27 Sep 2023 @ 111919h 9m
26 Sep 2023 @ 161012m
26 Sep 2023 @ 15586h 23m
26 Sep 2023 @ 093514h 43m
25 Sep 2023 @ 18528h 21m
25 Sep 2023 @ 103120m
25 Sep 2023 @ 101118m
25 Sep 2023 @ 095316m
25 Sep 2023 @ 0937 ie2d 26m
23 Sep 2023 @ 091113m
23 Sep 2023 @ 08582d 20h 6m
20 Sep 2023 @ 125218m
20 Sep 2023 @ 123428m
20 Sep 2023 @ 120618h 14m
19 Sep 2023 @ 17524d 2h 59m
15 Sep 2023 @ 1453 wc≥8m4d 20h 48m

Interval Statistics

Interval Count100
Max105d 12m
Mean3d 20h 6m
Median22h 14m

Latest Notes

Note IDStart Time (US/Mountain)End Time (US/Mountain)EntrantNote
37153 25 Sep 2024 @ 1050 --- TSBryan no Three Crater seen between 1050 and 1140
36473 19 Aug 2024 @ 1600 --- aferrara thumping and splashing periodically for last 3-4 minutes
34897 04 Jun 2024 @ 1554 04 Jun 2024 @ 1728 JSJ No Three Crater eruptions while Little Brother was active, with one exception (1701 to 1702). Obscuring steam much of the time, but no other Three Crater eruptions seen or heard.
34845 02 Jun 2024 @ 1532 02 Jun 2024 @ 1642 JSJ All closed intervals: 25m, 22m, 23m.
27424 05 Aug 2023 @ 1752 05 Aug 2023 @ 1911 JSJ Closed intervals: 20m, 20m, 15m, 17m. True intervals (= eruption end to next eruption start): 11m, 11m, 9m, 10m. Durations: ~9m, ~9m, ~6m, ~7m, ~7m.
25222 23 Apr 2023 @ 1409 23 Apr 2023 @ 1513 DanS No eruption this timeframe
20742 21 Jan 2022 @ 1438 --- aferrara Churning and thumping
17641 10 Jun 2021 @ 1600 10 Jun 2021 @ 1630 Graham No eruptions of Three Crater or Middle Sister seen during this time.
17194 26 May 2021 @ 1800 26 May 2021 @ 1902 JSJ All closed intervals. Fairly regular erupter. Most durations are a bit over a minute. Waves from splashing result in slight overflow of North Sister Spring's basin.
16112 13 Sep 2020 @ 1642 --- Art Pool calm
13806 26 Sep 2019 @ 1548 26 Sep 2019 @ 1646 DanS No eruptions. Domed water at 1616. Windy.
13028 04 Aug 2019 @ 1029 04 Aug 2019 @ 1626 JSJ All closed intervals. Have never before seen this geyser be so regular in intervals and durations. All were ~1 to 2 minutes long. Usual spaced splashing.
12367 30 Dec 1993 @ 0000 30 Dec 1993 @ 2359 JarnoO I's 7-9m; d 1-3m; height 3'
25 Jul 2020 @ 0714 JarnoO Fragment of this eruption as seen from the webcam, by JoeN.
25 Apr 2020 @ 0700 JoeN 3c video
13 Mar 2020 @ 1253 ltgangi Three crater
04 Aug 2016 @ 1853 JSJ Clip 6 of this video compilation (time stamp 3:57 to 6:12) shows Three Crater Geyser's 6:53 to 7:01 PM eruption on 4 August 2016. Remaining clips show 2 other eruptions that evening.
08 Jun 2016 @ 1919 JSJ Clips 3-5 of this video compilation (time stamp 1:01 to 3:56) show Three Crater Geyser's 7:19 to 7:25 PM eruption on 8 June 2016.
11 Jul 2014 @ 2036 JSJ Clip 2 of this video compilation (time stamp 0:40 to 1:00) shows Three Crater Geyser's 8:36 to 8:44 PM eruption on 11 July 2014.
08 Jul 2014 @ 1742 JSJ Clip 1 of this video compilation (beginning to time stamp 0:39) shows Three Crater Geyser's 5:42 to 5:44 PM eruption on 8 July 2014.
08 Jul 2014 @ 1804 JSJ Photo (1 of 3) of Three Crater Geyser's 6:04 PM-onward eruption on 8 July 2014.
Baseline does not exist.