Last Known Eruption
4y 286d 14h 44m ago

Latest Eruptions

Eruption DurationInterval
19 Sep 2019 @ 1314 ie>25m 49d 2h 48m
01 Aug 2019 @ 1026 ie14d 16h 21m
17 Jul 2019 @ 1805 ie7d 8h 18m
10 Jul 2019 @ 0947 ie24y 5d 23h 47m
10 Jul 1995 @ 1000 ie3d 22h 0m
06 Jul 1995 @ 1200 A7m 27y 353d 19h 15m
24 Jul 1967 @ 1645

Interval Statistics

Interval Count6
Min3d 22h 0m
Max27y 353d 19h 15m
Mean8y 254d 23h 24m
Median31d 21h 34m

Latest Notes

Note IDStart Time (US/Mountain)End Time (US/Mountain)EntrantNote
35426 21 Jun 2024 @ 1544 --- nails Grey green with several bubbling areas on the side where water from Echinus area is entering. Also some bubbling near center.
35088 10 Jun 2024 @ 1246 --- SantaFe108 More green than brown, still high enough to inundate the far pool, which is dark brown. Bubbling on the side where the creek enters the pool.
34998 08 Jun 2024 @ 1123 --- cb pool is calm, a few weak bubbles in the pool, color is cloudy milky blue green. Lots of water coming into it from Tantalus creek
34263 19 Apr 2024 @ 1538 --- MAB some convection and bubbling seen - of interest -> the sometimes seafoam or yellowish pool to the N was low - could only see water when examining photos later
29033 22 Oct 2023 @ 0850 --- SantaFe108 Very high, inundating even more of the NE pool's rim. Light center boiling.
28929 20 Oct 2023 @ 1615 --- MAB hard to see - creek level appears low but no obvious boils from Tantalus Geyser vent area - the circular seafoam pool up on shore appeared quiet
28762 14 Oct 2023 @ 1313 --- SantaFe108 Very full and grey, connected to the pool on the north, boiling in the center
27297 28 Jul 2023 @ 2041 --- SantaFe108 Center boil aswell as boiling where Tantalus Creek enters the pool. Still connected to NE pool.
26943 08 Jul 2023 @ 1916 --- nails Lots of little bubbles and still full enough to be connected to the pool to NE
26824 04 Jul 2023 @ 0852 --- MAB Center boil with Small Bubble Brigade like decades ago! Water level is as high as yellow/seafoam green pool on NE end of pool towards SB - they are slightly connected
25858 28 May 2023 @ 1945 --- SantaFe108 Light green edges and murky dark green pool. Bubbling in center with heavier bubbling where Tantalus Creek enters the pool.
25663 21 May 2023 @ 1440 --- SantaFe108 Light brown edges with center of pool darker murky brown. Bubbling in the center and also where Tantalus Creek enters the pool.
25463 15 May 2023 @ 1902 --- ypcaribou Clear and ripply with the breeze. yellow mudish at edges & kind of dark turqoise in middle
24247 05 Oct 2022 @ 1212 --- cb Root pool is high, connected, cloudy seafoam green in color with a mild roiling boil in the north pool. Tantalus is calm, opalescent greenish, (dark shade of seafoam green) pool is low but still overflowing.
23958 20 Sep 2022 @ 1615 --- ypcaribou Low, about 2 ft at edges is wet but not in water. Milky greenish blue. Next time I'm bringing a Pantone color chart!
23496 31 Aug 2022 @ 1053 --- cb Tantalus pool is low, murky pea green with a vigorous ~4"boil in the center, 5 low roiling vents at the entrance to its pool from Tantalus creek & a sulfer colored, mildly boiling, pool on its northern edge. **Root pool is high, connected, pea green with a mild boil in both pools.
22980 02 Aug 2022 @ 1009 --- cb Tantalus pool is the same: low, a few small bubblers and a gray green color. Root pool is higher, lime green in color & both pools are connected with a weak roiling boil in both pools.
22566 14 Jul 2022 @ 1329 --- cb pool is low. 2" of edge exposed.
22315 04 Jul 2022 @ 1431 --- cb pool very low with many small bubblers throughout the pool.
21605 31 May 2022 @ 1437 --- cb water level low, A few small blipping boils. A side pool toward Cistern on the edge of Tantalus is sulfury yellow/slight boil. Root pool is a brackish tea color, both pools are connected with small bubbles in the north pool, water level is low.
21336 15 May 2022 @ 1010 --- Tara The main vent of Tantalus was bubbling. The entire pool had a greenish brown color but was clear enough for the main vent to be visible. The adjacent pool to the north was bubbling vigorously and more cloudy and yellow color. Root Pool was the same greenish brown color as Tantalus and high enough for the 2 pools to be connected by several inches of water.
21010 18 Apr 2022 @ 1722 --- MAB blips- flat light couldn't see color - stronger boil on that nearby circular pool towards Steamboat- sometimes seafoam green today weird yellow
20147 27 Oct 2021 @ 1250 --- cb pool is low, light blue green in color with no boiling. Root pool is unchanged, light blue green also, both pools are connected with slight center bubble.
20057 19 Oct 2021 @ 1445 --- cb low pool, blue green in color. 2 small boiling points in the pool
19807 30 Sep 2021 @ 1226 --- cb no change for either Tantalus or Root Pool. Dishwater spring has a vigorous boil in the center and toward the runoff channel, it is overflowing into all the pools beneath it. The new erupter at the base of Dishwater Spring, next to the boardwalk is active, boiling to 3", and mostly clear pool.
19697 23 Sep 2021 @ 1019 --- cb Tantalus and Root pool have not changed since last observation
19605 16 Sep 2021 @ 1015 --- cb Pool is at about the same level as I've observed since July > low! 2-3" of exposed rim. Today there is a small 2" roiling bubbler on the end of the pool toward Crater Spring. Tantalus pool is a beautiful seafoam green color, my favorite color! Root pool > both pools are connected with water in the channel. water is clear and lime green. Both pools have apple sized bubbles breaking the surface.
19371 08 Sep 2021 @ 1125 --- Tara Water level down about 1" from the inner rim, light blue murky water, light bubbling over main vent
19060 25 Aug 2021 @ 1127 --- cb ROOT POOL water level has been fluctuating up and down about 1' in the past few days. One day it's up a foot, the next day it is down a foot. Both pools remain connected via the channel with these fluctuations. It's color is a brilliant seafoam green and the North pool has a small blooping boil. TANTALUS POOL is lower and down 1' below the wet high water mark. It is blue green in color and basically calm. only a few VERY small bubbles are breaking the surface. No activity from the edge features that were active this spring.
18894 11 Aug 2021 @ 1100 --- cb Pool is a aquamarine blue/green color with some very small bubbles scattered in various areas of the pool. Basically the pool is VERY low and fairly calm.
18780 01 Aug 2021 @ 1004 --- cb pool is low, blue green in color, slight boil in several areas in the pool & the previously active areas close to the edge of the tree island are not active today.
18504 18 Jul 2021 @ 1032 --- cb Root pool is down 3' from high water mark. barely any water in the connecting channel. no boil. lime green in color. Tantalus is also very low and just a dribble of overflow into Tantalus Creek. Few bubbles that break the surface in its pool. Features along the island to the north are minimally active. EVERYTHING IS VERY LOW! Dishwater spring is active with a small boil, in light overflow. Muddy pools to the easy at the base of Dishwater have dropped ~8". The pool closest to the trees at DW's base have 2 boiling points.
18371 11 Jul 2021 @ 1425 --- cb Root pool is an opalescent milky blue/ green color with blooping boil in the north pool. Pool level is the same, both pools connected with water in the channel. Tantalus pool is low, slight flow into the creek. Features along the north side by the tree island are not very active and the one sulfur yellow pool is now a light, muddy brown color. Dishwater spring has a very active boil, in overflow and there is a small 8" diameter breakout in the pool at the base of Dishwater spring, toward Tantalus. Breakout has a pretty moderate 2" roiling boil and is filling the pools at its base.
18283 05 Jul 2021 @ 1438 --- cb Pool low. 1.5' below wet high water mark. milky chocolate in color. 3 new small breakouts on the N edge of the runoff channel along the island tree line. All blipping to about 4". Dishwater spring has a more vigorous boil, 4", is not overflowing and the pools at the base of its platform are much higher than observed on the 29th.
18186 29 Jun 2021 @ 1306 --- cb Tantalus is ~1' lower than last observation on the 26th and is a murky greenish brown color. It has 2 boiling points, 1 on the east end of the pool and one in the middle. 2 side pools on the north side of Tantalus are the same. 1 is sulfur yellow in color with a mild boil, the other to its west is muddy brown and also has a mild boil. Root pool is ~8" higher, lime green in color with a rolling boil in the north pool. Dishwater spring is high with a vigorous boil and overflowing into 1 pool at its base. The surrounding pools at its base were very low on the 26th and have come up a few inches since then.
17576 08 Jun 2021 @ 1039 --- cb pool is also very low( 2' of exposed beach) Mild boil in 2 places in the middle of the pool . The "new to me pool" reported on 5/6/21 and it's neighboring pool (yellow in color) to its right both have a mild, 3" roiling boil. new to me about 2' in diameter and the yellowy pool to its right (se) is about 5' in diameter. Root pool is low and lime green in color and both pools have a mild boil.
17279 30 May 2021 @ 1544 --- cb low, fairly calm with 2 areas that have a mild boil. That "new thing to me" has dropped and has Avery weak boil. The pool to its right has turned into a sulfery yellow pool with a mildly churning boil. Root pool is low, lime green with a mild boil in the north pool.
17156 21 May 2021 @ 0831 --- cb Root pool is low, murky green with a light boil in both pools. Tantalus pool is low but filling as I'm watching. it has a blooping boil in the center of the pool and to the east where Echinis' runoff comes into the pool. New thing on the north edge is barely active.
17028 09 May 2021 @ 1208 --- cb Root pool is down ~3' from my last observation. both pools have a minimal boil in them. color is murky green. The new Thing on the north edge of Tantalus pool close to the tree line of the island that divides Steamboats runoff (the delta) is still very active. it seems to cycle a bit from very active, burst ~3', to smaller 1' burst and then cycles back to bigger play. I have not seen it stop completely. Tantalus main pool is low and has a few boiling points with the center vent having a constant minimal roiling boil.
16997 06 May 2021 @ 1946 --- cb There is a new to me feature close to the north edge along the Island of trees that is erupting 4 - 5'. Tantalus has many small bubblers in the pool and it looks like it was refilling at this time. Root pool is VERY HIGH and murky greeny brown.
16982 04 May 2021 @ 1230 --- Polly Possible Tantalus Geyser eruption. Spike on Tantalus Creek water discharge and temperature graphs. Maybe someone in the basin can confirm.
16393 10 Oct 2020 @ 1011 --- cb Root pool is high. both pools are connected and pool is 1' foot below high water mark. pool is calm & lite green. Tantalus is low and barely overflowing one boiling point about mid pool.
16340 06 Oct 2020 @ 1210 --- cb Tantalus pool is very low with one weak bubbling area in the center of the pool and is green in color. Barely overflowing. Root pool is calm, clear, greenish and low. 1.5' below high water mark. Both pools are barely connected with water in the channel. Dishwater spring has a nice boil and is in overflow. water appears clear.
16273 26 Sep 2020 @ 1635 --- cb calm, water level low, no boils or bubbles. Root pool is low. pools are barely connected via the channel. water is lite green in color with a few bubbles in the south pool.
15695 23 Aug 2020 @ 0640 --- ypcaribou Water level has dropped noticeably. I am not good with estimating but it is noticeably lower. And kinda.. blue. Root Pool also down maybe a foot and is milky blue.
15547 13 Aug 2020 @ 1019 --- cb both root pool and Tantalus pools are low. Root is a lime green color with an occational bubble in the north pool. Tantalus is a muddy green color with a slight boil in the center and random small bubblers scattered throughout the pool. It is barely in overflow!
29161 05 Aug 2020 @ 1200 --- research-mab 8/5/2020 - no time noted - Root Pool is extremely low – Tantalus Geyser is muddy and very bubbly
15657 03 Aug 2020 @ 1052 --- Tara With Steamboat just into steam phase, Tantalus had brown-gray water with foam on it from the intake of Steamboat runoff. Its pool was at a "normal" level with several points of boiling.
14951 10 Jul 2020 @ 1520 --- cb pool is very low, quiet, barely overflowing into the creek, no bubbles or boils in the pool & is a murky green/brown color. Root pool was very high, light green in color and both pools are connected by a broad water channel with a weak boil in the center of the north pool.
29150 24 Jun 2020 @ 1543 --- research-mab 6/24/2020 1543 Root Pool green full, bubbling Tantalus = quiet
14611 12 Jun 2020 @ 0903 --- ypcaribou Full, almost clear blue/green on top of beige muddy edges and bottom with bubbling in several spots. Root pool milky green and maybe a foot below top rim.
14525 03 Jun 2020 @ 1308 --- cb Tantalus pool is low but still flowing into the creek. The pool is slightly murky greenish in color with a few random golf ball sized bubbles breaking the surface. One small vent on the south west side of the pools edge has some constant convection waves. Root pool is low, greenish in color, the 2 pools are connected and the North pool has some occasional tennis ball to dime sized bubbles that break the surface. very calm compared to last year.
14501 01 Jun 2020 @ 1800 --- ypcaribou Full, bubbling here and there, murky greenish-gray water but not muddy.
13933 13 Oct 2019 @ 1550 --- cb Root pool is mostly clear, green in color, with occasional ball sized bubbles in the north pool. Both pools are connected with the water level ~10" below the high water mark on the stick in the channel. Tantalus is mostly clear, greenish, and barely in overflow with mild boil over the center (main) vent, the shoreline vent and the channel vent.
13926 12 Oct 2019 @ 1225 --- cb pool is fairly clear and greenish in color. (I can see the sand bar under water) water level is low but still in overflow. Very slight boil in the center & the west shoreline (channel) Root pools are high and the channel full. no bubbles or boil in either pool.
13889 05 Oct 2019 @ 1201 --- cb pool is in overflow and water is fairly clear and greenish in color. boiling in the center and in the overflow channel. Root pool both pools are clear and faintly green in color. north pool is 2' below the channel and has a vigorous boil. South pool is 1' below the channel with 3 areas with golf ball sized bubbles.
13844 30 Sep 2019 @ 1845 --- Ben VL Root pool is clearer than I've noted it all summer. Can actually see down in it, and the vents on the southern pool are easily visible. Water level around a foot below the topmost part of the land bridge.
13740 07 Sep 2019 @ 1432 --- Polly Calm pool
13390 25 Aug 2019 @ 0733 --- ypcaribou Full and bubbling in several spots. Too steamy to see color or clarity. Water in Tantalus Creek near Vixen had gray mud in it. Root pool empty except splashing deep in crater on left side.
13380 24 Aug 2019 @ 0939 --- MAB Maybe not Tantalus, but something upstream from the Vixen bridge. Tantalus Creek at the bridge was muddy at 0939, and less muddy but not clear at end of day.
13302 17 Aug 2019 @ 1713 --- cb Tantalus pool is relatively calm and clear compared to past observations. Only the center area has some small bubbles breaking the surface and sending out convection waves. color is grayish brown but clear at the bridge. No activity in the surrounding area of the pool. Root pools north pool is down 8' from the high water mark. it has a small pool of water in the bottom of the pool that has a vigorous boil. South root pool is empty but the mud is moist!
13255 14 Aug 2019 @ 1623 --- cb basicly pool is calm, has a small boil in the center of the pool. water under the bridge by Vixen is clear. ** Dishwater spring is clear, blue and slightly overflowing. ** Root pool's North pool has water in the bottom with a vigorous 1-2' boil. The South pool is empty.
13160 11 Aug 2019 @ 0830 --- RMichaels High and boiling muddy water up to a few inches.
13124 09 Aug 2019 @ 0816 --- cb Root pool water level is high again - 6" below high water mark on the east side of the north pool. North pool has a 4 point boil. Channel is completely covered with water and both pools are again connected and at the same level. water is a cloudy clay color. Tantalus is the ever changing feature! Today the main pool is mostly calm, 4" lower, with a few areas that have very low bubbles breaking the surface. However, On the NE side, 2' away from the runoff channel, there are 2 pools that are constantly and vigorously boiling, throwing water 1' - 1.5'. Dishwater spring is in overflow again.
13088 07 Aug 2019 @ 0750 --- bbev Very steamy, appears full. could not see or hear anything due to heavy steam.
13076 06 Aug 2019 @ 1730 --- cb Tantalus is flat and mostly calm. 2 small areas with bubbles. Root pools north pool is about 4' below high water mark with a vigorous 1' boil, south pool was mostly empty with a small pool of water in the base ~ 2' in diameter.
13016 04 Aug 2019 @ 0752 --- cb Root pool, south pool is empty and the north pool has water low in the crater with a vigorous boil to ~ 8". Tantalus is 1' below the high water mark with a light boil in the center.
29132 03 Aug 2019 @ 1200 --- research-mab 8/3/2019 -no time noted - Tantalus Creek – muddy
12994 03 Aug 2019 @ 0825 --- cb Root pool water level is at the channel and is on the rise. Tantalus pool is high and very steamy. Low level bubblers, 1 - 2", in the same areas of the pool as previous days. ** @ 1300 Root pool structure changed at some point between this mornings observation and 1300. A large clump of soil and debris sluffed off the north pool channel, clogging the channel and changing how the 2 pools exchange water. @1300 Tantalus is one large pool with 1 large boil in the center. water level is high. color is similar to dark chocolate.
12961 02 Aug 2019 @ 1723 --- cb arrived this afternoon to find Root pool down to below the channel but appears to be filling. Found Tantalus about 1.5 - 2' below the rim of the pool. Did something big! No obvious sign of an eruption: no splatter spray marks or debris. It is filling from Tantalus creek with multiple boiling areas in the main pool and one in the south runoff channel. I find this fascinating!
12957 02 Aug 2019 @ 1201 --- cb root poot is draining out. pool to the north water level is down 5' from high water mark with a roiling boil. south pool is empty. Tantalus is the every changing feature. This afternoon it is erupting in what looks like a crack or fisure in the south runoff channel. small boil in the center where yesterday it was the HUGE boil. Another small boil toward the east. pool is high and thick chocolaty brown in appearance. There is a 3' in diameter yellow sulfurous pool on the north end of Tantalus pool that is steaming and had some runoff into Tantalus. The putrid smell is back!
12950 02 Aug 2019 @ 0801 --- bbev Difficult to see in dense geyser fog, but appears quiet and flat in a fairly high pool. May be some boil in center. Root pool gently boiling at north end ~10" below high water mark.
12931 01 Aug 2019 @ 1751 --- bbev Gently boiling in center and eastside of a high pool. Root pool separated and boiling ~40" below high water mark.
12923 01 Aug 2019 @ 1026 --- cb Root pool is completely drained/empty! I can hear at boiling low in the crater. Tantalus is to 2' - 4' and is VIGOROUSLY BOILING the entire width of the pool in 2 areas. Tantalus is a very muddy, brown black, roiling pool! hum. . . ! Tantalus Creek at the bridge is a thick, dark brown/black, muddy creek. zero clarity.
12900 31 Jul 2019 @ 1626 --- cb this afternoons observation has Root pool high with vigorous boil in both pools and Tantalus low with many areas of roiling muddy brown boiling. areas are in the main one in the middle of the pool, 1 on the edge toward Crater Spring, 2 + 1 small, very low almost mud pot*ish (drier area) on the NE edge and 2 in each of the runoff channels toward the bridge. whew. The longer i watch, the more small bubblers i see!
12888 31 Jul 2019 @ 0841 --- cb Root pool us low. water just barely in the channel between the 2 pools. moderate boil in both pools. light green in color. Tantalus is more active. 3 main areas with a vigorous roiling wide boil that bloops to 5" in height. muddy brown in color. Runoff water at the bridge is a muddy brown color.
12840 28 Jul 2019 @ 0732 28 Jul 2019 @ 0745 ypcaribou Full, calm with some tiny bubbles. Hard to see with steam but looked a bit brown.
12808 26 Jul 2019 @ 1021 --- cb Tantalus pool is low. Has 2 areas within the pool, 1 is a light murky green color and the other is a muddy brown. It is mostly a calm flat pool with 5 very small areas that have bubblers. The inflow stream has 2 frying pan springs and 3 areas with small geyser features that reach heights of 3 - 5". Root pool is low, calm and a muddy green in color. no areas that have a boil just a few small bubbles. No putrid smell today!
12797 25 Jul 2019 @ 1645 --- cb low pool. water appears clearer than last observed. greenish yellowy (? weird) in color. 2 areas with bubbles not a boil.
12568 23 Jul 2019 @ 1120 --- cb Pool is low, light brown in color and really calm. It has 2 areas with a minimal (2") boil. Root pool as a weak boil on the south end and is filling.
12546 20 Jul 2019 @ 1332 --- cb much like yesterday except pool is lower. 2 main boiling areas that are only inches high. A dozen or so bubblers in a variety of areas within the main pool. color is opalescent/milky green. (water at the bridge is clear) Root pool is low, (but coming up) it is just above the channel between the 2 pools. it is a murky yellow/green color. putrid smell is barely detectable.
12535 20 Jul 2019 @ 0812 --- bbev 2D, 2hrs post SB: pool appears low and flat as observed from steerage.
12530 19 Jul 2019 @ 1708 --- cb both Root and Tantalus are pretty much the same as this morning except the pools are clearer and a lighter shade of green.
12524 19 Jul 2019 @ 1035 --- cb pool is low with 15+ small bubblers and 4 areas with significant boiling. The boil on the south end is a roiling boil to 5". pool color is a light brownish green color. Root pool is on the fill with a 2 point rolling boil on the north end with small bubblers on the west end. color is also greenish brown. It has a slight odor today but not as pungent as it has been this past few weeks.
12502 17 Jul 2019 @ 0750 --- bbev Tantalus has slight increase in boil from last evening, relatively clear, in low pool.
12503 16 Jul 2019 @ 0815 16 Jul 2019 @ 1830 bbev Remained flat, with light boil, low pool, for most of the day as observed from steerage.
12514 15 Jul 2019 @ 1800 15 Jul 2019 @ 2115 bbev Tantalus mostly flat, with low water level, light boil at south end of pool.
12441 11 Jul 2019 @ 1615 --- cb calm and pool is high. 2 spots with a 2" boil. water is clearer than yesterday not brackish & muddy.
12396 07 Jul 2019 @ 0932 --- cb pool is high again and water is clearer. The mud pot in the south end of the pool is again spouting white water insteady of muddy brackish water.
12111 04 Jul 2019 @ 0850 --- Ben VL Tantalus is no longer acting as a mudpot like it was yesterday. The pool is quiet. I observed a small hole immediately east of tantalus after yesterday's 1726 SB push that was bubbling clear water to a couple inches. That hole has since enlarged and is now sitting inside a small crater with a raised edge. It is now perpetually blooping mud or muddy water to a few inches, accompanied by a steam locomotive chugging noise.
29121 03 Jul 2019 @ 1200 --- research-mab 7/3/2019 - no time noted - Tantalus Geyser is drier than previous days (see observation notes from 6/26)
12096 03 Jul 2019 @ 1000 --- cb water level in the pool is MUCH lower and has morphed into a black/gray sputtering mud pot splashing 1' in height from 2 vents. water in Tantalus Creek at the bridge is clear again.
12023 29 Jun 2019 @ 0815 29 Jun 2019 @ 1230 cb Tantalus spring is calm and no longer erupting. root pool is refilling and the "land bridge" connecting the 2 sides of the pool now has a water channel connecting the 2. The icky H2S smell that permeated this area for the past 3 days has greatly diminished! **1230 > Tantalus has one small boil (2 - 3") on the edge closest to the walkway and the water color is not so muddy brown as the last 2 days. On the Northern edge of the pool there are 2 areas that have sizzling blippy mud features in addition to a sulfurous yellow sizzler about 5' N of the pool and in a runoff channel that was first observed yesterday by TC.
12005 28 Jun 2019 @ 0745 28 Jun 2019 @ 1015 ypcaribou As seen from boardwalk nearest Tantalus Geyser, it was spouting/splashing dark, muddy water ftom two spots in muddy spring continuously. Lovely aroma wafted my way while I sat nearby watching Steamboat minor play. CB told me she saw it doing muddy splashes on 6-27-19 too. Tantalus Creek water muddy at bridge near Vixen. Collected gray mud at edges and high spots in creek.
12024 26 Jun 2019 @ 1730 --- cb Noticed Tantalus Creek was a murky, muddy brown color at the bridge. He walked up toward Echinus to find out the origin of the color change and found Tantalus a muddy brown roiling pool with 3 areas that were erupting. 1 area to height of 3'.
29117 26 Jun 2019 @ 1200 --- research-mab 6/26/2019 - no time noted - Spring near Decker Island in Tantalus Creek downstream of Steamboat & Echinus (“Tantalus Geyser?”) is perpetually boiling/babbling vigorously, 3 vents, super muddy & stinky. Tantalus Creek under boardwalk near Vixen has lots of gray sediment in it.
29238 24 Jun 2012 @ 1200 --- research-mab no time noted - 6/24/2012 observed changes since last rove on 6/21:- - Tantalus Geyser pool now clear. Believe it was muddy on 6/21
29240 13 Jun 2006 @ 1200 --- research-mab 2006 Listserv Archive - no time noted - June 13 TSBryan - I started today with an early jaunt up to Norris, where I found that there has indeed been a disturbance. I judge that it was fairly weak, though. . . .Tantalus Geyser area had several bubbling-splashing vents
29239 19 Apr 1998 @ 1200 --- research-mab 1998 Listerv archive - no time noted - 4/19/1998 - Tantalus Geyser is boiling strong from two vents
29237 01 Sep 1995 @ 1200 --- research-mab Sept 1 1995 - no time noted - Tantalus is calm
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