Latest Notes

Note IDStart Time (US/Mountain)End Time (US/Mountain)EntrantNote
34899 04 Jun 2024 @ 1037 04 Jun 2024 @ 1437 JSJ No Sentry Geyser eruptions. "Long" Outpost eruptions result in pool filling of Outpost's basin. Once the water level is high enough, splashing through an undercut (next to Sentry) occurs. Others have mistaken this activity for Sentry eruptions. Sentry's basin fills with water from this splashing. Between Outpost eruptions, the water level in Sentry's basin very slowly decreases, but is never out of sight, and is calm.
27637 06 May 2023 @ 1250 --- SantaFe108 Water level a couple inches below rim and still.
27636 30 Apr 2023 @ 1018 --- SantaFe108 Water level a couple inches below rim and still.
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