Last Known Eruption
3y 32d 11h 18m ago

Interval Statistics

Interval Count20
Min4h 59m
Max5y 288d 7h 27m
Mean196d 12h 19m
Median6d 21h 45m

Latest Notes

Note IDStart Time (US/Mountain)End Time (US/Mountain)EntrantNote
35420 21 Jun 2024 @ 1512 --- nails Full with clear, calm water. Steaming.
35099 10 Jun 2024 @ 1312 --- SantaFe108 Full and overflowing, calm.
35004 08 Jun 2024 @ 1154 --- cb No obvious activity but it's steaming and the first 4' past the vent are white and void of bacterial mat
34253 19 Apr 2024 @ 1503 --- MAB wide pool past vent with channel flowing under boardwalk - area closest to cave vent is green - Porkchop flow doesn't connect to the 2nd Erupter channel until closer to the boardwalk
29318 31 Oct 2023 @ 1615 --- MAB steamy water 3m out from cave vent - quiet
29023 22 Oct 2023 @ 0918 --- SantaFe108 Calm and clear, water about ~10 feet out from the cave.
28918 20 Oct 2023 @ 1547 --- MAB big pool in front of the vent - not flowing as far as boardwalk but green in the channel north
28881 19 Oct 2023 @ 1212 --- DanS Pool full, runoff reaching Tantalus creek.
28796 14 Oct 2023 @ 1622 --- MAB slightly steaming water ~15ft from vent but lots precip lately - green visible underwater outlining former pool level - kinda neat
28770 14 Oct 2023 @ 1330 --- SantaFe108 8 feet out from the vent calmly steaming.
28637 05 Oct 2023 @ 1229 --- cb no visable activity over the vent. It has a overflow pool that extends 8' beyond the vent.
28448 24 Sep 2023 @ 1125 --- DanS In overflow
28013 04 Sep 2023 @ 1648 --- cb pool in front of the vent is overflowing and flowing under the boardwalk. no activity
27597 14 Aug 2023 @ 1615 --- cb more water in the pool in front of the vent. no activity other than it's steamy on a fairly warm afternoon
27287 28 Jul 2023 @ 2018 --- SantaFe108 Water out ~5 feet from cave and calm.
27165 23 Jul 2023 @ 1527 --- cb pool in front of the vent has water, wee bit of convection and wee bit o steam
26969 09 Jul 2023 @ 1558 --- cb water in the pool in front of the opening extending ~5'. no sounds or movement in the pool
26833 04 Jul 2023 @ 0924 --- MAB water 4m out from cave vent - nothing audible
26407 17 Jun 2023 @ 1510 --- SantaFe108 Still with water ~8ft outward from cave.
25866 28 May 2023 @ 2006 --- SantaFe108 Water is ~4ft out of cave and lightly steaming with no surface commotion.
25535 18 May 2023 @ 1535 --- MAB water ~3m out from cave vent with a little steam - no ripples or spritzes
24528 29 Oct 2022 @ 1509 --- MAB water maybe 1.5m out beyond cave vent - steaming from vent
24408 15 Oct 2022 @ 0935 --- MAB steamy and quiet with no water visible like last week - something in the vicinity still popping
24256 05 Oct 2022 @ 1304 --- cb Its mildly active again. pool has water with small convection waves. not overflowing. 2 bubbles popped from the back of the pool sending a 3" spit of water above the pool. pool did not drain.
22952 31 Jul 2022 @ 1131 --- cb dry, no steam
22323 04 Jul 2022 @ 1500 --- cb bone dry. no steam or water or sounds
22213 29 Jun 2022 @ 1418 --- cb not any movement in the pool, a wee bit of steam. Catch basin pool is dramatically smaller > about 2' in front of the vent
22088 23 Jun 2022 @ 1749 --- cb slightly steamy water at the vent. catch basin high but not overflowing
21772 03 Jun 2022 @ 1650 --- MAB water flowing from vent down channel to pass under the boardwalk - at first I thought due to extra precip but the flow was actually moving. No real signs of waves or pulsing from the vent - also the water is pooling in front of the vent looking more like the vintage photos of "pool north of Porkchop" seen in pre-1989 Porkchop photos. Neat.
21612 31 May 2022 @ 1531 --- cb vent is full, no boil or splashing but Its pushing out a lot of water down its channel.
21333 16 May 2022 @ 1128 --- Tara Overflowing lightly with clear water.
21093 26 Apr 2022 @ 1630 --- MAB water in channel 4-5m from vent - could be from melt but FLIR shows it as warm - no blips at vent or ripples in the water
21016 18 Apr 2022 @ 1650 --- MAB looks fairly cool but water is out from the cave vent 3m - could also be from last weeks storm - Edit: FLIR shows the pooled water is indeed warm
20302 04 Nov 2021 @ 1151 --- MAB no water no noise - a little steam - stopping to take off a coat I *might* have heard some deep knocks but those could have come from anything in this crazy place!
20050 19 Oct 2021 @ 1327 --- cb no change. no water. just steamy
19900 05 Oct 2021 @ 1120 --- MAB steam - no water
19813 30 Sep 2021 @ 1309 --- cb steamy & thumping. no visable water
19610 16 Sep 2021 @ 1056 --- cb no visible water but i can hear gurgling
19618 16 Sep 2021 @ 0909 --- MAB No water visible but audible boils and grumbles
18784 01 Aug 2021 @ 1038 --- cb no water or sounds but quite a bit of steam.
18508 18 Jul 2021 @ 1107 --- cb no activity
18367 11 Jul 2021 @ 1510 --- cb quiet. no water or steam.
18329 09 Jul 2021 @ 1308 --- MAB dry - might have heard some grumbling but very windy
18280 05 Jul 2021 @ 1515 --- cb no water, no steam & no sounds.
18181 29 Jun 2021 @ 1346 --- cb just steamy
18153 28 Jun 2021 @ 1700 --- MAB Dry - no sounds -did see steam in the cool of morning
17924 19 Jun 2021 @ 1708 --- MAB Noisy boiling grumbles from back in vent - otherwise totally dry
17795 14 Jun 2021 @ 1729 --- MAB Dry - very noisy boiling noises coming from the cave vent
17727 12 Jun 2021 @ 1558 --- MAB no water - strong boilng sounds from within cave vent
17571 08 Jun 2021 @ 1133 --- cb audible gurgling. no visable water.
17456 04 Jun 2021 @ 1508 --- MAB dry with no sounds - very windy though
17347 01 Jun 2021 @ 1739 --- MAB dry - noisy gurgling with 1 foot drinking ftn type squirts coming from cave vent
17350 01 Jun 2021 @ 0915 --- MAB Dry- quiet
17182 25 May 2021 @ 1328 --- MAB water 1m out from cave vent - very tiny pulses
17189 17 May 2021 @ 1356 --- MAB Bone dry - no visible water
17045 11 May 2021 @ 1142 --- cb pool in front of the vent in much lower but I can hear gurgling.
17027 09 May 2021 @ 1249 --- cb pulsating with visable water 6" away from the vent
17001 06 May 2021 @ 1301 --- MAB visible steam - slight pulsing that could have been wind
16895 20 Apr 2021 @ 1543 --- MAB water just beyond the cave vent - no pulsing - dry channel no algae
16398 10 Oct 2020 @ 1045 --- cb no water or steam visable on the cold fall morning. no sounds either
16345 06 Oct 2020 @ 1259 --- cb steaming but no water visable or audible sounds
16269 26 Sep 2020 @ 1610 --- cb no water visible or sounds, just lightly steaming
15550 13 Aug 2020 @ 1101 --- cb no water or sounds. just a wispy steam coming from the vent.
14949 10 Jul 2020 @ 1450 --- cb No water visable but I can hear water bubbling.
14005 03 Nov 2019 @ 1120 --- MAB water 2m out from cave vent - barely pulsing- rest of runoff channel is snow covered
13931 12 Oct 2019 @ 1255 --- cb Second Eruptor's pool is in overflow ~ 2.5' from the vent but no eruption was seen or heard.
13422 27 Aug 2019 @ 1011 --- MAB noisy but very few spritzed beyond the vent. this was all afternoon too
12974 02 Aug 2019 @ 1600 --- MAB water 1 m out from cave vent- no pulsing or overflow but even In the hottest part of the day very steamy
12545 20 Jul 2019 @ 1255 --- cb water is pulsating out sending waves into the catch basin. not erupting.
12026 29 Jun 2019 @ 0845 --- cb pool is low and steamy
11823 16 Jun 2019 @ 0855 --- cb steamy but no other activity
11754 12 Jun 2019 @ 0946 --- MAB water 3m out from cave vent - no overflow no pulsing
11146 02 May 2019 @ 1050 --- MAB water several feet out from cave vent & slight pulsing. about triple the distance since last week. No overflows
11024 20 Apr 2019 @ 1045 --- MAB Water in immediate catch basin, no pulsing, no overflow.
10276 17 Sep 2018 @ 1433 --- MAB noisily splashing with visible water jets - visible water back inside the cove, and catch basin is wet, but no standing water
9904 28 Aug 2018 @ 1010 --- cb audible gurgling. no visible water
9872 25 Aug 2018 @ 0930 --- cb audible sounds but no visible water spikes
9613 10 Aug 2018 @ 1410 --- MAB Noisily Spitting water 4-12" from back in the vent. No water in the catch basin.
9614 10 Aug 2018 @ 1410 --- MAB Noisily Spitting water 4-12" from back in the vent. No water in the catch basin.
9615 10 Aug 2018 @ 1410 --- MAB Noisily Spitting water 4-12" from back in the vent. No water in the catch basin.
9441 03 Aug 2018 @ 1106 --- MAB per CB's Porkchop note: active and erupting 2-3" continually
9323 28 Jul 2018 @ 1600 --- MAB Very noisy grumbling and spitting out of the mouth of the 'cave' - not really erupting but more water visible than 10 days ago. No water in catch basin or channel.
9324 28 Jul 2018 @ 1600 --- MAB Very noisy grumbling and spitting out of the mouth of the 'cave' - not really erupting but more water visible than 10 days ago. No water in catch basin or channel.
9320 26 Jul 2018 @ 1700 --- MAB Noisy grumbling - no water visible. Catch basin and runoff channel totally dry
8961 30 Jun 2018 @ 1020 --- MAB No runoff. Water level is just a foot or so beyond the opening.
8847 22 Jun 2018 @ 1040 22 Jun 2018 @ 1300 MAB Surrounding basin full, with light runoff all the way under the boardwalk towards Ragged Hills. No eruption or pulsing
8116 07 May 2018 @ 1532 --- MAB Catch basin and runoff channel wet, going under boardwalk. Green around the edges farther down. No eruption or pulsing from the vent though, but something happened (recently?) to produce that water.
3873 06 Nov 2016 @ 1227 --- MAB No eruptions seen since October, but heavy overflow continues well under the boardwalk at Porkchop. I watched the runoff channel from Vixen from time to time to see if I noticed more steam - and during the long refill waits for Vixen ini I would go sit at the corner there, new railing is installed and it's a good spot to lean back.
3754 30 Sep 2016 @ 0742 --- MAB no time noted - Not IE- water much higher- immediate crater is almost to overflow way past the big stick- runoff channel is darkened but not overflowing. Same on Oct 2- Boardwalk is ripped out now it will be harder to see what it's doing for a few weeks
3753 24 Sep 2016 @ 1430 --- MAB Not IE - usual water level - I mention this since around this time water levels in many features go up up up - Blue Mud - Corporal- Dog Leg- Sinks area- Teal Blue or near that- higher water seen here at Second Erupter on my next visit
3752 18 Sep 2016 @ 1709 --- MAB Not IE - water is just to the big stick in the basin - no overflow
3751 10 Sep 2016 @ 1042 10 Sep 2016 @ 1302 MAB 3 checks - 1042 pulsing but not IE - 1153 slight pulse - 1302 stronger pulsing but not IE- water is farther out in the basin tho - no overflow
3750 09 Sep 2016 @ 1507 --- MAB pulsing but not IE
3749 04 Sep 2016 @ 1040 04 Sep 2016 @ 1416 MAB VR of IE 1040 - 1124 seen just pulsing - 1416 stronger pulsing but not IE - no overflow
3748 30 Aug 2016 @ 1022 --- MAB quiet - not IE
3747 19 Aug 2016 @ 1021 --- MAB strong pulsing but not IE
29591 04 Aug 2016 @ 1200 --- research-mab 8/4/2016 - no time noted - Porkchops north vent has been active (bubbling)
29462 16 Aug 2012 @ 1200 --- research-mab 8/16/2012 - no time noted - Water down in pool from vent on north of Porkchop. No gas surging
29455 05 Aug 2012 @ 1200 --- research-mab 8/5/2012 - no time noted - Less water in vent on north side of Porkchop. No longer surging with high gas volume. Water not flowing out under boardwalk from this vent on from Porkchops wetland
29420 03 Jul 2012 @ 1200 --- research-mab 7/3/2012 - no time noted - Pool to north of Porkchop no overflow
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