Last Known Eruption
3y 36d 8h 59m ago

Interval Statistics

Interval Count22
Max1y 352d 1h 28m
Mean127d 3h 20m
Median1d 10h 26m

Latest Notes

Note IDStart Time (US/Mountain)End Time (US/Mountain)EntrantNote
2054 08 Aug 2015 @ 1321 --- JSJ Vents 4, 5, and 6 of Gray Bulger Geyser (immediately east & southeast of the head of the J-shaped pool) were engaged in low to moderately low perpetual spouting, as usual. Vent IDs from: Gryc, S. 2016 (dated 2015). Firehole Lake geyser delights (but which geyser is it?). Geyser Gazer Sput 29(6): 5-8.
2670 03 Jun 2014 @ 1718 --- JSJ Vents 4, 5, and 6 of Gray Bulger Geyser (immediately east & southeast of the head of the J-shaped pool) were engaged in low to moderately low perpetual spouting, as usual. Vent IDs from: Gryc, S. 2016 (dated 2015). Firehole Lake geyser delights (but which geyser is it?). Geyser Gazer Sput 29(6): 5-8.
2671 31 May 2013 @ 2000 --- JSJ Vents 4, 5, and 6 of Gray Bulger Geyser (immediately east & southeast of the head of the J-shaped pool) were engaged in low to moderately low perpetual spouting, as usual. Vent IDs from: Gryc, S. 2016 (dated 2015). Firehole Lake geyser delights (but which geyser is it?). Geyser Gazer Sput 29(6): 5-8.
709 22 Sep 1976 @ 0000 22 Sep 1976 @ 1200 BoekelUpload Active am
708 11 Aug 1976 @ 0000 11 Aug 1976 @ 2359 BoekelUpload side jetting vent would sometimes take over function shooting to approx 20-25 ft for 5-10s TSB
707 06 Aug 1976 @ 1200 06 Aug 1976 @ 2359 BoekelUpload Evening. At least 20 ft
14 Aug 2020 @ 1729 JSJ Video showing Gray Bulger Geyser erupting during the late afternoon of 14 August 2020.
05 Aug 2019 @ 1459 JSJ Photo (out of 5) of Gray Bulger Geyser erupting during the afternoon of 5 August 2019.
14 Jun 2019 @ 1341 JSJ Video compilation showing Gray Bulger Geyser erupting during the afternoon of 14 June 2019.
04 Aug 2018 @ 1147 JSJ Clips 15-19 of this video compilation (= time stamp 5:04 to the end) show Gray Bulger Geyser's activity in the earliest afternoon of 4 August 2018.
03 Aug 2018 @ 1904 JSJ Clips 8-14 of this video compilation (= time stamp 2:44 to 5:03) show Gray Bulger Geyser's activity in the evening of 3 August 2018.
02 Aug 2018 @ 1842 JSJ Clips 1-7 of this video compilation (= beginning to time stamp 2:43) show Gray Bulger Geyser's activity in the evening of 2 August 2018.
10 Jun 2018 @ 1630 JSJ Photo (out of 4) of Gray Bulger Geyser in eruption during the afternoon of 10 June 2018.
12 Jun 2018 @ 1300 JSJ Time lapse video of Gray Bulger Geyser's activity during the afternoon of 12 June 2018.
Baseline does not exist.