Last Known Eruption
2y 248d 9h 26m ago

Latest Eruptions

Eruption DurationInterval
30 Oct 2021 @ 1109 ie3y 192d 22h 58m
21 Apr 2018 @ 1211 ie5y 63d 22h 6m
17 Feb 2013 @ 130537y 322d 2h 20m
11 Apr 1975 @ 114532s 9m
11 Apr 1975 @ 113633s 18m
11 Apr 1975 @ 1118

Interval Statistics

Interval Count5
Max37y 322d 2h 20m
Mean9y 115d 19h 10m
Median3y 192d 22h 58m

Latest Notes

Note IDStart Time (US/Mountain)End Time (US/Mountain)EntrantNote
3697 20 Sep 2016 @ 1010 --- Janet Jones Sometime between 1010 & 1020 - Saw a good splash from it while at Avoca - maybe a foot high. The water of this splash filled the vent but very little splashed outside. Waited a bit to watch, but only saw spitting from it. There's another vent near Fumarole that also is wet around the edge, but I didn't see anything but a bit of spitting from that one.
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