Last Known Eruption
12y 34d 17h 1m ago

Latest Eruptions

Eruption DurationInterval
01 Jun 2012 @ 000036y 319d 7h 50m
26 Jul 1975 @ 16102y 343d 17h 18m
16 Aug 1972 @ 22525y 354d 2h 7m
29 Aug 1966 @ 2045

Interval Statistics

Interval Count3
Min2y 343d 17h 18m
Max36y 319d 7h 50m
Mean15y 95d 17h 5m
Median5y 354d 2h 7m

Latest Notes

Note IDStart Time (US/Mountain)End Time (US/Mountain)EntrantNote
34693 26 May 2024 @ 1050 --- Janet Jones Heavier cyclic boiling.
34425 04 May 2024 @ 1134 --- Janet Jones Microbes in the overflow channel are a light yellow.
33902 24 Jan 2024 @ 0957 --- Pholli spring east of Chinese spring thumping quite loudly. was the other day as well
3856 05 Nov 2016 @ 1045 --- Janet Jones The thumping sound was heard in the area from Chinese Spring up to Blue Star Spring - still think it's coming from Sputter Spring, but not sure. Heard it earlier this year.
257 31 May 2012 @ 2000 01 Jun 2012 @ 0800 Graham Chinese Spring erupted overnight 5/31-6/1.
2625 15 Jun 1973 @ 0000 15 Jun 1973 @ 2359 Micah Kipple Induced sometime during this day.
2623 26 Aug 1972 @ 0000 26 Aug 1972 @ 2359 Micah Kipple Chinese Spring erupted sometime during this day.
234 19 Aug 1972 @ 1010 --- BoekelUpload Chinaman Spring 1010emty/soap?
2622 18 Aug 1972 @ 0000 18 Aug 1972 @ 2359 Micah Kipple Chinese Spring erupted sometime during this day.
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