Last Known Eruption
39y 353d 14h 31m ago

Latest Eruptions

Eruption DurationInterval
24 Jul 1984 @ 13326h 43m
24 Jul 1984 @ 06492y 340d 17h 48m
18 Aug 1981 @ 1300:503m 4s 5m 8s
18 Aug 1981 @ 1255:423m 39s 5m 5s
18 Aug 1981 @ 1250:373m 13s 5m 30s
18 Aug 1981 @ 1245:073m 35s 5m 11s
18 Aug 1981 @ 1239:563m 23s 5m 8s
18 Aug 1981 @ 1234:483m 24s 5m 31s
18 Aug 1981 @ 1229:173m 25s 5m 28s
18 Aug 1981 @ 1223:493m 30s 5m 21s
18 Aug 1981 @ 1218:283m 18s 5m 7s
18 Aug 1981 @ 1213:213m 37s 5m 7s
18 Aug 1981 @ 1208:143m 27s 5m 11s
18 Aug 1981 @ 1203:033m 16s 5m 11s
18 Aug 1981 @ 1157:523m 26s 5m 37s
18 Aug 1981 @ 1152:153m 15s 5m 23s
18 Aug 1981 @ 1146:523m 25s 5m 30s
18 Aug 1981 @ 1141:223m 24s 5m 20s
18 Aug 1981 @ 1136:023m 7s 5m 33s
18 Aug 1981 @ 1130:293m 14s 5m 11s
18 Aug 1981 @ 1125:183m 16s 4m 51s
18 Aug 1981 @ 1120:273m 21s 5m 36s
18 Aug 1981 @ 1114:512m 45s 5m 22s
18 Aug 1981 @ 1109:293m 18s 4m 49s
18 Aug 1981 @ 1104:402m 52s 5m 30s
18 Aug 1981 @ 1059:103m 16s 5m 30s
18 Aug 1981 @ 1053:403m 18s 11m 32s
18 Aug 1981 @ 1042:083m 55s 5m 57s
18 Aug 1981 @ 1036:113m 45s

Interval Statistics

Interval Count28
Max2y 340d 17h 48m
Mean38d 6h 6m

Latest Notes

Note IDStart Time (US/Mountain)End Time (US/Mountain)EntrantNote
35092 10 Jun 2024 @ 1256 --- SantaFe108 Bubbling center-right, overflowing with cloudy teal water.
34258 19 Apr 2024 @ 1531 --- MAB Mystery Pool Peale #59 - murky blue color with 4 point varying boil - strongest boil closest to nearby associated NE pool which was green w tiny bubbles
29029 22 Oct 2023 @ 0857 --- SantaFe108 Full and overflowing, 2-point splashy boil towards the front-right. Smaller pool to the front-right also full and bubbling. Both sporting cloudy brown water.
28925 20 Oct 2023 @ 1605 --- MAB Mystery Pool NBK8 green gray 3 point boil with runoff - largest boil to 1 foot and spread to 3 feet - associated NE pool had an edge boil with waves - not cool and gray any longer - greenish like NBK-8
28784 14 Oct 2023 @ 1223 --- MAB Mystery Pool - looks cloudier than a week ago - light boil off center and another boil closer to the little neighbor pool which looks completely cold
28503 26 Sep 2023 @ 1715 --- MAB clear with 3 point boil overflowing to west - associated ne small pool inactive
27293 28 Jul 2023 @ 2036 --- SantaFe108 3 point boil and overflowing, can't tell color due to sunset. Side pool to the right blipping and yellower colored.
26828 04 Jul 2023 @ 0900 --- MAB full slightly murky - associated circular east pool cool and quiet
24403 15 Oct 2022 @ 0951 --- MAB Mystery Pool clear with a 2 pt light boil - not quite to sinter rim with flow out 1 of 2 channels - SE Aux pool a khaki yellow with 4 pt boil with tiny bursts bigger than its neighbor up to a whole 4-5 inches
24251 05 Oct 2022 @ 1231 --- cb cloudy light brown in color with a line of ~6 1"-3", bubblers along the edge toward Yellow Funnel
24079 24 Sep 2022 @ 1606 --- CrisG blooping boil x3 on end closest to Yellow Funnel. not overflowing. greyish brrown color.
24080 24 Sep 2022 @ 1606 --- CrisG blooping boil x3 on end closest to Yellow Funnel. not overflowing. greyish brrown color.
23500 31 Aug 2022 @ 1120 --- cb latte colored light brown with 3 vents blooping ~4" on the edge toward yellow funnel spring. not overflowing.
22984 02 Aug 2022 @ 1033 --- cb light brown in color, pool is slightly bigger forming a thumb on the west end. 3 - 5" boil on the edge toward yellow funnel.
22918 27 Jul 2022 @ 1613 --- MAB Mystery Pool NBK8 clear with a few bubbles and slight runoff out the channel - associated small NE pool a murky khaki color w lite waves and many bubbles
22319 04 Jul 2022 @ 1441 --- cb same with a bit taller blooping boil (6") on the edge of the pool toward Yellow Funnel
22209 29 Jun 2022 @ 1403 --- cb no change
22118 25 Jun 2022 @ 1137 --- cb Muddy light brown color, 6" blooping boil on the edge toward ORBY
22091 23 Jun 2022 @ 1814 --- cb pool is high with a 6" blooping boil on the north edge
21042 18 Apr 2022 @ 1715 --- MAB Mystery Pool - Full w cloudy bluish water and suspended material around edge - in overflow but no boiling seen thru steam - small circular pool to the NE same color with no boils observed
20296 04 Nov 2021 @ 1218 --- MAB not as full but still flowing out towards Yellow Funnel - associated NE spouter was dirty yellowish with vigorous boilers all along far edge [Mystery Pool, Peale #59, RCN NBBNN004]
20053 19 Oct 2021 @ 1400 --- cb Pool color is mostly clear blue green color with a small bubbler on the edge by the boardwalk. Pool to the side is light brown in color and bubbling on the edge toward Yellow Funnel
19621 16 Sep 2021 @ 0933 --- MAB - little circular spouter to NE was IE w tan yellow water - NBK-8 water murky green
29554 14 Jul 2015 @ 1200 --- research-mab 7/14/2015 - no time noted - Unknown Spring between Mystic and closer to Puff n Stuff has been emitting more gas in the last week. {nbk8?}
29383 16 Jul 2010 @ 1200 --- research-mab 7/16/2010 - no time noted - All – please make note of any changes you are seeing in the basin – especially w/ disturbance influenced features. Today it seemed to me that Emerald and Cistern were surging more violently than before. Echinus seems to have become more murky. Gray Lakes seems to be surging pretty heavily. From Mystic Spring to Puff and Stuff, water levels seem to have dropped, waters appear more turbid, and surging seems heavier. Yellow Funnel’s water is very low and turbid, perhaps will become steam vent? Son of Green Dragon seemed (from the boardwalk) empty and was chugging steam. Sagebrush Springs seemed wetter, and I noticed no change w/Pearl. {NBK8 added presumably affected - mab}
29776 30 Aug 2007 @ 1200 --- research-mab 8/30/2007 .- no time noted - • The usually quite clear and murky pools between Echinus and Puff’n Stuff were turbulent – small areas of water gushing in the pools about 6-12 inches.
20561 15 Sep 1984 @ 1200 --- research-mab 09/15/1984 ….on 9/15, for the first time, a vent located a few yards to the Northeast of the pool began spouting to 4"-5" [generic time]
20537 18 Jul 1984 @ 1200 --- research-mab 7/18/1984 Hayden’s #59 (no name) 182º pH 3.7 [generic day time]
20538 21 May 1983 @ 1200 --- research-mab May 21 1983 - no time noted ~ afternoon - Unnamed Feature S. of Yellow Funnel Spring – Full of opaque grey water, heavy boiling from 2 points. Slight runoff.
20539 08 Jul 1982 @ 1200 --- research-mab 7/8/1982 Unnamed Pool 80 ft S of Yellow Mud Spring – dark muddy water, 1½ ft splashes at 12:12 w/overflow, overflow stops 12:13 - Boiling from 3 vents. [generic day time]
31263 10 Jun 1982 @ 1200 --- research-mab 6/10-82 - no time noted - unnamed spring S of Yellow Mud – periodic boil slate blue grey {NBK8} 181°F mod. turbid, not overflowing
31233 20 Feb 1982 @ 1200 --- research-mab February 20 1982 - no time noted - Pool 80’ S of Y.M. Spring – grey turbid H2O bubbling constantly & at overflow point. 178° {nbk8}
20540 24 Jan 1982 @ 1200 --- research-mab January 14th 1982 Unnamed Pool 80’ S of M. Spring dark blackish water, constant boil to 10”, evidence of periodic overflow 180° silica spines surrounding. [generic day time]
31178 14 Jan 1982 @ 1200 --- research-mab January 14th 1982 - no time noted - Unnamed Pool 80’ S of M. Spring dark blackish water, constant boil to 10”, evidence of periodic overflow 180° silica spines surrounding. [nbk8]
20541 15 Nov 1981 @ 1200 --- research-mab Nov 15 1981 Yellow Mud Spring dark green slightly turbid H2O, calm with a slight overflow 70° - - Unnamed pool 80’ S of Y.M. Spring - 180° gray turbid H2O boiling to 1’, runoff channel is wet so it is probably still erupting but I didn’t [get] to see any bursting while there. [generic day time] {both included for amazing temp difference}
31537 30 Aug 1981 @ 1200 --- research-mab Sunday August 30 1981 - no time noted - H2O level 4” from surface between eruptions {NBK8}
20543 15 Aug 1981 @ 1200 --- research-mab Sat Aug 15 1981 Pool 80’ S of Yellow Mud Spring H2O level 14” from the surface but bursts to 8’ 196° [generic day time]
20544 05 Aug 1981 @ 1200 --- research-mab August 5, 1981 Unnamed Spring 80’ South of Yellow Mud Spring H2O level down ~1½’ with recent overflow & boil to 3’. Within 5 min H2O level rose to the top & began overflow. Bursts to 4’ 196° [generic day time]
20545 02 Aug 1981 @ 1200 --- research-mab 8/2/1981 Unnamed Pool 80’ South of Yellow Mud Spring - 178° - - - grey brown turbid pool continuous bubbling to 2’ with slight overflow [generic day time]
20546 06 Jun 1981 @ 1200 --- research-mab Saturday June 6 1981 Large unnamed pool south of Yellow Mud – periodic burst from north section to 1 foot – opaque gray, evidence of recent overflow 183ºF [generic day time]
20547 15 Sep 1980 @ 1200 --- research-mab Monday September 15, 1980 - An unnamed pool 100 feet south of Yellow Mud – Grey-opaque, erupting and overflow. - This feature always gets riled up with the disturbance. 172ºF. [generic day time]
20548 23 Aug 1980 @ 1200 --- research-mab Saturday August 23 1980 Unnamed Large Pool South of Yellow Mud Spring- Overflowing Blue-Green slightly turbid water. 182°F [generic day time]
20550 09 Jun 1980 @ 1200 --- research-mab JUNE 9 1980 Unnamed large spring west of trail and approx 80’ south of Yellow Mud Spring, murky aquamarine color and overflowing 181º [generic day time] {observations made over the week and entered on 9th mab}
20551 11 Oct 1979 @ 1200 --- research-mab October 11 1979 The Back Basin has shown a number of changes since disturbance. Large spring south of Yellow Mud was the most active I have seen it, throwing periodic bursts up to 5 feet. Overflow occurring. [generic day time]
20552 28 Sep 1979 @ 1200 --- research-mab September 28 1979 Pool to south of Yellow Mud Spring – 184ºF- continues to erupt hitting about 1 foot. No overflow. [generic day time]
20553 21 Sep 1979 @ 1200 --- research-mab Friday September 21 1979 - Spring 90 feet south of Yellow Mud erupting chocolate gray water 1 to 4 feet. Evidence of more forceful eruption in wet runoff channels. 189ºF. This spring was also very active last year during the season’s end disturbance. [generic day time]
20554 24 Aug 1979 @ 1200 --- research-mab August 24 1979 Someone left their broken bong in Porcelain Basin. A few of the pools in the Back Basin seem to be boiling more active this morning. Root Pool, Decker Geyser and the unnamed pool south of Mud Spring all seem to be more vigorous. [generic day time]
20555 26 Aug 1977 @ 1200 --- research-mab 08/26/1977 Back Basin report- Most features are clearing up. The unnamed pool south of Yellow Mud Springs was boiling up to 3’ high. [generic day time]
20556 20 Aug 1977 @ 1200 --- research-mab 08/20/1977 The unnamed pool south of Yellow Mud seems to also have lost a little water and was splashing up to 2’ [generic day time]
20557 05 Sep 1976 @ 1200 --- research-mab 09/05/1976 The unnamed pool south of Yellow Mud was quite active at 0910. Splashing around to 2’ high. [generic day time]
32408 11 Jul 1976 @ 1200 --- research-mab Sunday July 11 1976 - no time noted - location unknown - There’s a muddy pool between Yellow Funnel Spring and Black Hermit’s Cauldron that may be erupting or overflowing intermittently. When I watched it the pool was several inches below overflow and bubbling up occasionally but its runoff channels were were indicating fairly recent overflow.
20559 25 Jul 1975 @ 1200 --- research-mab 07/25/1975 Mistic, Mud and an unnamed spring south of Mud are much lower and boiling more actively. [generic day time]
32894 16 May 1972 @ 1200 --- research-mab 05/16/1972 - no time noted - Blue pool near Yellow mud pool – 165º [nbk8?]
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