Last Known Eruption
284d 7h 21m ago

Latest Eruptions

Eruption DurationInterval
22 Sep 2023 @ 0838 A

Interval Statistics

Not enough entries to compute statistics.

Latest Notes

Note IDStart Time (US/Mountain)End Time (US/Mountain)EntrantNote
35313 18 Jun 2024 @ 1805 --- Craigmon99 Bubbling somewhere between lazily and vigorously. Medium bubbling?
33901 19 Jan 2024 @ 1730 --- K.Cooper completely quiet
22832 24 Jul 2022 @ 1548 --- aferrara Runoff channels.dry and fly covered
13037 05 Aug 2019 @ 1057 --- Micah Kipple A vent on the west side of the crater is boiling and splashing 6" to a foot. More than I've seen it do in recent memory.
10779 25 Dec 2018 @ 0952 --- Janet Jones Gentle bubbles rising - no sulphur smell according to my sister
10222 15 Sep 2018 @ 2144 --- Micah Kipple Normal ebullition activity with ovf. No change.
5702 04 Sep 2017 @ 0730 --- ddshepard Boardwalk wet
3360 11 Jun 2016 @ 0930 --- JSJ Thermal photography of pool recorded 187° F.
5577 20 Aug 1992 @ 0000 20 Aug 1992 @ 2359 JarnoO Most of the boiling has shifted to another vent on the south side of the pool.
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