Date: | 2017-07-26 |
Time: | 1631 |
Geyser: | Pink |
Webcam: | No |
Initial: | No |
Major/Minor: | N/A |
Duration: | ~5m |
Standardized Duration: | ~5m |
Time Entered: | 2017-07-27 00:00:17 |
Time Updated: | 2017-07-26 22:00:47 |
Time Uploaded: | 2019-05-13 21:50:02 |
Entrant: | JSJ |
Observer: | James St. John |
Submitted to: | |
Comments: | Eruption from 1631 to 1635. Decent spouting done at 1633. Moderately low, slightly intermittent spraying at 1634 to 1635. No water after that. |