Date: | 2023-08-03 |
Time: | 1438 |
Geyser: | North Goggle |
Webcam: | No |
Initial: | No |
Major/Minor: | Minor |
Duration: | ~20s |
Standardized Duration: | ~20s |
Time Entered: | 2023-08-03 14:47:49 |
Time Updated: | 2023-08-03 15:40:06 |
Time Uploaded: | 2023-08-03 15:47:54 |
Entrant: | deanl |
Observer: | Brian and Dean |
Submitted to: | GeyserTimes for Android |
Comments: | I got to Lion about 1350 hoping for a 3rd Lion and goggle spring was full. it stayed full until 14:18. it rose about 10 minutes later followed by North gargle which held fairly high and bubbled until it finally rose quickly to the top and erupted at 1438. |