Date: | 2022-09-05 |
Time: | 1251 |
Geyser: | Grand |
Webcam: | No |
Initial: | No |
Major/Minor: | N/A |
Duration: | 9m49s |
Standardized Duration: | 9m 49s |
Grand Code: | D3D2D0/T1C |
Time Entered: | 2022-09-05 12:54:38 |
Time Updated: | 2022-09-05 19:50:28 |
Time Uploaded: | 2022-09-05 19:50:31 |
Entrant: | Graham |
Observer: | |
Submitted to: | GeyserTimes for Android |
Comments: | 1.5 bursts, dropped out at 8m17s and then shot right back up. Water came up in Turban before the wruption and then dropped and then Grand filled. Grand started to drop but erupted anyway as Turban came up quickly and erupted. |