Eruption 1341777

Duration:4min 43 sec
Standardized Duration:4m 43s
Time Entered:2021-11-26 09:42:04
Time Updated:2021-11-26 10:07:17
Time Uploaded:2021-11-26 10:07:18
Comments:Observations began at 0800. 0800 is was 1d. 0805 1c. 0809 1b. 0819 Dep reached 1a and the back rim was covered w/ ear overflowing at 0821. The pool was very impressive until 0823, I thought this was going to be the eruption but then at 0823 it began crashing and did a hold 1e, with water just visible from the camera. No more detailed observations until 0920 but the pool did continue to have very strong and organized cycling between 0823 and 0920. At 0920 Dep pool was 1b. 0924 pool was 1a and back rim was covered w/ ear overflowing. At 0926 the pool began to crash and initiated the HOLD 1C, Kat and I both agree that this was a borderline HOLD 1C and HOLD 1D, at 0922:00. Pool rapidly began rising reaching 1b at 0939. The pool never truly reached 1a, this is likely because this hold 1c was low and nearly a hold 1d, in fact, it was borderline between hold 1d and hold 1c and I am not entirely sure which function it was. The pool also never had a well-defined flood before the eruption started, instead, the eruption started at 0940:21 with bubbles and small bursts, HOLD 1C LEAD=18minutes 21s. Flooded 0941:44, note that the flood was after the eruption started. Bigger bursting began around 09:41:57, with one MASSIVE JET at 09:41:59, which was probably 10ft in height, I don't know if I have seen that kind of thin jet from Depression before. Lots of big bursts continued throughout the eruption, with at least 10 massive bursts from both vents. The eruption ended at 0945:04. Duration = 4minutes 43seconds. Strong eruption.

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Time Entered:2021-11-26 10:01:48
Time Uploaded:2021-11-26 10:01:48
Time Entered:2021-11-26 11:14:09
Time Uploaded:2021-11-26 11:14:10
Submitted to:GeyserTimes for Android
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